Sunday, January 10, 2010

Coq au Vin avec Les Hoodies

I finally saw Julie & Julia last week and fell in love, like most people who saw it. Most of my hoodies are already Francophiles and I think it's safe to say that most are now also Juliaphiles. The acting was first rate, the scenes of Paris in the 50s were enchanting, and the food... oh, my goodness, the food really did verge on "food porn." I also thought the bonus features on the DVD were as enjoyable as the movie. There were funny and fascinating interviews with the actors, the author, the director.

Hoodies Kerry & Mary Ann also saw the movie last week, and were inspired to host a French dinner. With Supernurse G's permission, I was able to join them. I've been in near-isolation for at least a couple of months. I've missed my pals, and probably several outstanding meals, too. Before I could graciously extricate myself, I was caught in a round of hugs. I just decided just enjoy the hugs, hoping there won't be consequences. Mary Ann's Coq au Vin got several rounds of applause, and my presence was noted and toasted, which embarrassed me but filled me with warm fuzzies. That has got to be good for my immune system, right?

1 comment:

Margaret said...

Warm fuzzies (and French food, OR Italian, I would add...!) are definitely super good for your immune system. Yes indeed!
I have been dying to see the Julia movie (but we don't go to the movies anymore because of my super low immune system...)...I am thrilled to know it is out on dvd, thanks! In fact, I am rushing out the door to go rent a copy right now! :-)
Take good care,
Florence, Italy