Monday, June 1, 2009

Score One for the Murderers

Score another one for the Hypocritical Lying Murderers: they gunned down a 67-year old doctor, a father of four and grandfather of ten, in his church as he attended Sunday services. Dr. Tiller was a man who dedicated his life to protecting women's health. In addition to reproductive services, his clinic provided group and individual counseling. The anti-abortion forces were "quick to denounce the action" as always, but we know who whips these nutjobs into a frenzy, who fans the flames of their rage, impotence and instability. (I refuse to call them "pro-life." They are anything but.)

Well, I hope they choke on their just desserts. President Obama has made many speeches and gestures to reach across the aisle and work together, to foster an atmosphere of tolerance and compassion. But I'm guessing even he (along with the rest of us) is sick to death of this tragic theocracy that has strangled our country for almost a decade. And now that we're not distracted by imaginary WMDs and imaginary links to Al Queda, maybe we can start cleaning our own house. Let's declare a war on Domestic Terrorists, and everyone who supports them. Let's start by stacking the Supreme Court with the biggest bunch of tree-hugging, pro-choice, gay-marriage supporting rabid lefties this side of Haight Ashbury.

Late-term Abortion Doctor Decries Tiller Killing:
"This is a Fascist Movement"


Margaret said...

Hear, hear!
In complete agreement,
Florence, Italy

tim's wife said...

I don't mean to feed the fire but did ya hear about the serviceman who got thrown out of the armed forces because he is gay? I just
don't understand it. What the heck difference does it make who you love?!!! You're right. This country has to worry about its own worst enemies which are right here.

gina said...

"Let's start by stacking the Supreme Court with the biggest bunch of tree-hugging, pro-choice, gay-marriage supporting rabid lefties this side of Haight Ashbury."

that's quite some litmus test! ;-)