Friday, February 12, 2010

Merci, Gracias, Todah, Thank You

...for your kind words and good wishes. I know they are heartfelt, and I return them to you a hundred-fold. Some readers who are not comfortable adding a comment (or haven't figured it out) have sent notes that also mean so much to me. You lift me up on a cloud of kindness and my aches and pains seem to disappear.

You're all making me out to be much more noble than I am (which is: not at all) but I'm going to simply enjoy the view from the cloud. I will continue blogging, at least for a while, and when I do sign off, I will leave the blog up in hopes that there is something helpful for other cancer patients. Thanks again,
The Coot


Anonymous said...

I found your blog two years ago when I was first diagnoised with Non-Hodgkins. Yours was one of a few blogs that made me feel like there were others like me out there.I admire your courage and support your decision but man I was thrilled to see your post going after the Congress/Insurance company. You go girl!!

Bob OC said...

You're the best. You really are.