Sunday, September 7, 2008

Stir Crazy!

Celebrating the completion of a decorating project a few years ago are members of the Stir Crazy supper club. from left: Nancy, Christie, Cathy F., Lynn, Stephanie, Cathy C., Michelle, Karin, Jason. Not pictured: Angie and Amy. Last week as our 7th anniversary. Seven years of food, fun and friendship. You're the best!

Cookbooks of our favorite recipes are still available. See story at right.


Kathy from NJ said...

I voted yes for the transplant details. But maybe you want to do it on a second blog? Whatever you decide, it's your call & I will support your decision - I am Bossy ( ) says toss a coin. While the coin is in the air you'll be wishing for a certain outcome - that is your answer.

La Cootina said...

Hmmm one of my very fist posts was a poem on that subject:

La Cootina said...

fist? I meant first...

Kathy from NJ said...

I remember your poem post - just went back to re-read it. Bossy mentioned flipping a coin (and secretely wishing for a particular outcome) in her June 20, 2008 post about her Great Dane Stella.