Monday, April 13, 2009


The Villa Struggles to Remain in a State of Showability

I was supposed to show the Villa at 1:00 pm today. Bro 2 and I got back in town late yesterday, so of course the morning was spent mostly tidying, sweeping, hiding, etc. He took off for the airport about a half hour before the showing. All systems were go, locked and loaded, and I decided to wait til the agent & house-hunter actually showed up. (Curiosity - I confess! I want to look over potential buyers.)

At 1:15 pm, the central showing service, which orchestrates all the appointments, called to say the agent cancelled. I'm tempted to say, "All that cleaning and tidying for nothing!" but I guess I should look at it as a sort of fire drill. And hopefully, next time the tidying will be even smoother... and the agent and buyer will show up.

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